“If people ask me the same question three times, I should write the answer down.”
In programming language, a routine is a piece of code that performs a specific task. You make a routine only once and store it in a library and then use it wherever, whenever you need to perform the same task. I shouldn’t say “make” because experienced programmers often “steal” from the Internet. If someone already made it, you can just copy it, why do you have to make your own? Maybe you need to change it a little bit and then it will work for you just fine. It’s the same with English language. Somebody said something in a context or situation. You think it’s brilliant. You like it. You can just write it down and save it into your library (like Notion?). You do it only once. Later on, when you find yourself in the same context or situation and feel the need to express the same meaning and emotion, you’ll use it, and you’ll use it again. After you use it 7-8 times, you’ll be thrilled to watch how the routine becomes your own, and how they become the words you “happen” to be saying.
def what_i_should_say_when_your_life_is_amazing():
print("Really? Wow!")