Travis Lu
Software Consultant at
BI Consultant
Business Analyst
Project Manager
Information Technology
A/B Testing
Churn Modeling
Credit Risk Models
Customer Acquisition Models
Customer Lifecycle
Database and Data Warehouse
ETL/ELT Concepts
Power BI
Product Analytics
Sales Analytics
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Travis Lu has earned his Bachelor’s Degree in STEM from University of Toronto. With a keen interest in bridging business and technology, Travis found his passion in software/business consultancy and started his career in SPM industry currently working as a business consultant at Innovyne Technologies. He has delivered high quality client
experience and SPM solutions on Varicent/SAP platform to help clients with their business struggle from various industries. Travis loves to share his story as a university fresh out with culture barriers, assist the mentees with all of his heart and lead them to their own success!

Career Positioning

Find your sweet spot where passion, talent and money converge, start with a role in an industry

Resume Building

Recommend bullets based on role and industry for 4 blocks (summary + skills + projects + experience)

Portfolio Building

A collection of 3-6 projects, each has 5 blocks (overview + objective + KPIs + data model + dashboard)

Job Searching & Analysis

Find the right number of quality jobs matching your search, and save them into the job tracker

Job Networking & Referral

Get referred directly to hiring managers and compete with 3 candidates instead of 300

Interview Scripting

Predict the right questions and design the conversation with compelling stories

Interview Practicing

Get used to the pressure through intensive mock interviews, provide actionable feedback, help mentees reach peak performance

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