Job Search and Recruiting Are the Strangest Date on Earth

Job search is hard. Recruiting is hard. Nobody enjoys the process. If an organization and a candidate find each other, it’s a miracle!

An organization, as its name suggests, organizes people and work into vertical functions and horizontal processes. Everyone performs their own roles and overcomes some cross-functional barriers to achieve frictionless cooperation through processes, delivering products and services to end users and creating value for the business. To fully understand your roles, you must know the people around you, your relationships with them, and their roles in order to integrate and align with them, and fit into the big picture. It’s extremely hard to understand your roles and responsibilities without understanding the big picture.

Now let’s try to make sense of the hiring process. We know its success depends on two pieces of boring texts: Job Description and Resume.

The organization initiates the search. It fits a few bullet points into a Job Description and hope whoever sees it understands it. However, when you read the Job Description, you don’t quite understand the job. Of course not! I don’t blame you. How can you understand a job by only reading its description? Which was written completely out of (industry and business) context.

Yet you must do the impossible. Based on your limited understanding (or misunderstanding), you fit a few bullet points into a Resume and send it to the organization and hope they will notice you, like you, and call you for an interview.

This kind of communication through two pieces of boring texts in a short time is… impossible! It’s the hardest communication in the world! If your Resume hits the reader’s desk and gets shortlisted, it’s the work of art.

Yes Resume has to be the work of art. If talent search is finding the needle in a haystack for organizations, if job search is a hard and depressing journey for candidates, if no one enjoys this process but are creatively too lazy to improve it, that’s your opportunity.

Because you’re gonna say: “Hiring manager, stay where you are, let me come near you.”

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